Monday, October 18, 2010

Mexico wants permanent fix to cross-border trucking empasse

WASHINGTON, DC -- A senior Mexican diplomat insists another pilot program allowing Mexican trucks to operate in the U.S. will not be acceptable. The latest program, launched by the Bush administration, lost congressional funding in 2009.

Mexico has imposed tariffs on U.S. goods amounting to $2 billion since 2009. The tariffs are sanctioned since a NAFTA panel found that the U.S. violated the terms of the trade agreement in 1998 by barring Mexican motor carriers.

The Clinton administration killed the opening of Mexican trucks into the U.S. because of safety concerns. Mexican trucks generally cannot comply with the same safety regulations imposed on U.S. carriers.

From The Journal of Commerce 
(Also see Landline 10/19/10 and Truckinginfo 10/21/10)