LOS ANGELES, CA -- A monthly economic index that tracks trucking industry diesel consumption points to stalled economic growth. The Ceridian-UCLA Pulse of Commerce Index (PCI), indicates that diesel fuel purchases have declined for a second straight month.
According to Ceridian and UCLA, the index paints an accurate picture of product flow across the United States and, by extension, overall economic activity.
Quoted in a DCVelocity article: "The PCI tells us that inventory is stalled on the nation's thoroughfares. The good months of growth are now seemingly in our rear-view mirror," said Ed Leamer, chief PCI economist. Although Lerner finds the data "alarming" for the U.S. economy's near-term, he does not forecast a relapse into recession.
From DCVelocity and The Ceridian-UCLA Pulse of Commerce Index
See also Logistics Management article